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March 21, 2012

STL Photography 101 Class Image Submissions

I asked all the ladies that attended the photography class to submit an SOOC (straight out of camera) image so I could post for feedback and comments.  I really want to encourage these ladies to continue shooting in Manual and what better way to encourage them then to leave comments for them!  Here’s the thing….the image that I believe has the best feedback will receive an 11x14 of their image.  Now…this isn’t a competition – so please know that.   I along with a couple of photographers will look at the images and the feedback/comments to make the decision.  So, let me encourage you to take few minutes to look at these images and leave some photo love. Tell them what you like about the image....or even just a “my favorite” or “nice job” {do you see what I’m getting at?}  I’m not limiting comments because this is NOT based on who has the most comments.  {grin}  Let me thank all of you ahead of time…ENJOY!!


  1. The yarn in the basket is my favorite! All the colors....Jenni K.

  2. OMG! All the colors are just beautiful! Your work is stunning! Here from How to Nest for Less, so glad that she led me here.

  3. Morning - I'm here from HTNFL and now following. I like the yarn basket best because of the composition - the colors, the texture, the contrast. The tulip magnolia tree is a close second - just because I love those dang trees! and I have tried to take pics of mine and it can be difficult shooting into the sky.


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