slide show

February 5, 2012

Top Ten Images from 2011

I had full intentions of posting more then one blog with top images from 2011, but unfortunately at this point, it's not going to happen.  {smile} So, I thought....what can I do to highlight some images, but keep it to ten images.  Let me tell you - that was TOUGH!!!  What I came up with is ten categories from sessions last year and picked an image from each that I LOVED.  How fun, right?  I've labeled them {not that it was necessary, but hey....I wanted to shake it up a bit}  In putting this together, I was reminded again of how BLESSED beyond words I am!!  Enjoy!


  1. You are awesome! I can not wait for March 3rd to get here!!!

    Jamie T

    1. Thanks Jamie! I'm looking forward to March 3rd too! {smiles}

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Wow! I loved all of those but the wedding couple under the arch was my favorite!


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